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If you placed an order using the Cheap Paroissesaintefoy Jordan Outlet checkout:

If you purchased from a retailer on the Cheap Paroissesaintefoy Jordan Outlet checkout, you should have received a confirmation email from us with an estimated delivery date. Please allow until this date for your item(s) to arrive.

If tracking is available for you order, you will find tracking information and a link to the courier's website under My Orders. We'll also send you an order dispatched email when the retailer fulfilling your order has sent it.

If the estimated delivery date has passed or you think you should have received your order by now, please get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help.


If you placed an order directly on a retailer's website:

If you made a purchase on a retailer's own website, then please check your email for a confirmation. This will provide details of the order you placed and should include information on how to contact the retailer directly. 

We recommend that you contact the retailer first, as they will be best placed to help resolve the problem with the delivery fast. 

If you’ve contacted the retailer that you purchased from and you still haven’t had a resolution, please get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help.

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